21 March 2014

The Landat sim is closed

And with the sim closing comes the final end of Kitten's Castle as well as Captive Desires. Please see our new blog page here.


Welcome to our two sims. Both are "working" marinas with boat mooring rentals as well as rental cottages and homes. *Marina and cottages for rent *Located right on the Bingo Strait to the Blake Sea *Cottages with private mooring * Large and small boats welcome *Shops for rent all in a nice resort community setting *Come see the best marina in Second Life! While both sims are fully functional marinas they are both their own communities as well. If yoou visit our web page you can see some of the activities available at each sim: http://alvensleben-marina.blogspot.com/ As you can see we have role play opportunities as well. While "mature" rated we don't allow nudity outside any of the buildings. That sort of thing (while far from discouraged) needs to be kept inside. Private group-access dungeons are provided at both sims for your pleasure. Some of our role play opportunities include: *Firefighting and emergency medical services (the Alvensleben Volunteer Fire Dept); station 1 is located at the Alvensleben sim while station 2 is located on our Foresta sim *Join the Alvensleben Sheriff's Dept. Under the leadership of Sheriff Alice Blunder and her Chief Deputy Naughty Laville they ensure safety and security at both of our locations. Well mostly anyway. Sometimes the visitors and resident criminals get the upper hand. *D/s (BDSM) dungeons are provided at both sims for your alternate lifestyle entertainment *Want to be a doctor or nurse? Join the staff of the Alvensleben Regional Hospital and Trauma Center *Ever want to be a rescue diver? How about a life flight pilot? Both of our sims are also outposts for SL MedEvac (www.slmedevac.com) and they role play grid wide rescue scenarios *Come enjoy the best pizza in Second Life or just hang out at the coffee shop; our Flora sim seems to be the role play hub but there are plenty of places to relax and enjoy *The Alien Lounge and Disco Yacht (located at the Alvensleben sim) is ran by radio host and DJ Titti Anatine who host not only twice weekly dance parties but also hosts a once a week party cruise that departs from Alvensleben and leisurely cruises the scenic Blake Sea region *Want to try your hand at burlesque or maybe just be a pole dancer? The Flora sim is the home of Captive Desires - a sleasy little hole in the wall dive bar where you can be that tacky dancer everyone wants to take home No matter your reason to come visit please remember - you are always welcome here. Our sims are designed to be fun and relaxing. 
Welcome to our two sims. Both are "working" marinas with boat mooring rentals as well as rental cottages and homes.

*Marina and cottages for rent
*Located right on the Bingo Strait to the Blake Sea
*Cottages with private mooring
* Large and small boats welcome
*Shops for rent all in a nice resort community setting
*Come see the best marina in Second Life!

While both sims are fully functional marinas they are both their own communities as well. If yoou visit our web page you can see some of the activities available at each sim:


As you can see we have role play opportunities as well. While "mature" rated we don't allow nudity outside any of the buildings. That sort of thing (while far from discouraged) needs to be kept inside. Private group-access dungeons are provided at both sims for your pleasure.

Some of our role play opportunities include:

*Firefighting and emergency medical services (the Alvensleben Volunteer Fire Dept); station 1 is located at the Alvensleben sim while station 2 is located on our Foresta sim

*Join the Alvensleben Sheriff's Dept. Under the leadership of Sheriff Alice Blunder and her Chief Deputy Naughty Laville they ensure safety and security at both of our locations. Well mostly anyway. Sometimes the visitors and resident criminals get the upper hand.
*D/s (BDSM) dungeons are provided at both sims for your alternate lifestyle entertainment

*Want to be a doctor or nurse? Join the staff of the Alvensleben Regional Hospital and Trauma Center

*Ever want to be a rescue diver? How about a life flight pilot? Both of our sims are also outposts for SL MedEvac  (www.slmedevac.com) and they role play grid wide rescue scenarios

 *Come enjoy the best pizza in Second Life or just hang out at the coffee shop; our Flora sim seems to be the role play hub but there are plenty of places to relax and enjoy

*The Alien Lounge and Disco Yacht (located at the Alvensleben sim) is ran by radio host and DJ Titti Anatine who host not only twice weekly dance parties but also hosts a once a week party cruise that departs from Alvensleben and leisurely cruises the scenic Blake Sea region

*Want to try your hand at burlesque or maybe just be a pole dancer? The Flora sim is the home of Captive Desires - a sleasy little hole in the wall dive bar where you can be that tacky dancer everyone wants to take home

No matter your reason to come visit please remember - you are always welcome here. Our sims are designed to be fun and relaxing.

22 February 2014

The wedding of Kyruby and Flora Desade

...We are here today to join Kyruby and Flora in a life of mutual commitment...

It is fitting and appropriate that you, the family and friends of Kyruby and Flora, be here to witness and to participate in their union - Starfire Desade

19 January 2014

A qickie photo "tour"

Captive Desires was a flop.... Kitten's Castle was obviously a better choice

Captive Desires was cleverly disguised as anything BUT an adult themed bondage sim. Visitor traffic, or in this case a distinct lack thereof, told me that. So, as much as I kept telling myself I wouldn't bring back any version of Kitten's I have done just that. Welcome to Kitten's Castle: the bordello of bondage....and stuff.

First, up with a castle. Provided by good friend (and former pet) Lez Charisma we now have one of the larger castles available in all of Second Life. Filled with all the usu al bondage equipment...and stuff. Toys and traps. RLV zones. Forced clothing change walls. Even alien stuff. Be careful in the crypt of despair. Get diagnosed in the asylum for wayward sluts. Or kneel to the Mistress of the moment in the new throne room.

There is no mall, a first here at Kitten's/ I have totally non-commercialized the sim. While there are a few popular affiliate vendors in the game room you won't find the usual shop after shop after sop here.

There is something new and different here at Kitten's. The airport. For the first time since back in 2008, Kitten's Castle is located on a "mainland sim." Located in scenic Landat Kitten's has a skyport (airport) that accomodates visitors who would like to fly in. There is a runway that will accommodate most single engine aircraft. Heliports and hangars accommodate both planes and helicopters. Space shuttles are welcome too. Haha!

Oh...and while you are here please don't forget to pet the kitties!